Rebecca VanSant’s sixth grade math class at West Middle School is an exercise in constant motion. Keeping 11- and 12-year-olds engaged in fractions, percentages and geometry requires planning and flexibility.
On any given day you will find her circling her class providing one-on-one support and tuning in to student-led conversations. It’s this collaborative piece of math classes in Fort Zumwalt elementary and middle schools that many adults would find surprising. Students work together to find solutions and learn from each other’s thinking. VanSant and middle school math teachers create opportunity for students to learn from each other. It’s in this environment that they learn to communicate their strategies, experience constructive criticism and open their own thinking to classmates who have found another route to the same solution.
Building the workforce of tomorrow one middle school math problem at a time. It’s in our mission: Educate, empower and equip students to excel.